Friday, March 22, 2013

Change of Profession

In reference to the title- Just kidding, I'm sticking with microbio... BUT archaeology is pretty awesome. I went to a museum today that had thousands of artifacts form various civilizations throughout Ecuador. It was so cool to see all of these artifacts up close since I've only seen most of then in my readings for class. My professor gave another girl and I the opportunity to write about various artifacts in for a paper she's writing. We will have our names put on the paper when it's published so I'm really excited! I took SO many pictures of the artifacts so don't get annoyed when I post all 574687693744 of them.

For lunch I ate a cauliflower torte and it was delicious! Adrianna made it and told me how to make it. I never thought I would enjoy cauliflower but I did [possibly because it was battered and fried]. Other than that, my week of eating has been pretty normal. My stomach was a little iffy after I got back form the beach so I tried to stay away from risk taking.

Can't remember if I mentioned the race I'm doing with my triathlon class so disculpe [sorry] if I already said it. The race is called Iron Runner and it's a 5K with 15 obstacles. Some of the obstacles require arm strength so... yeah. I am going to have my guy friends help me out with those. Other than the arm strength parts, I think I can do pretty well! I want to army crawl through mud, wade through an ice bath [I'm gonna be itchy], climb walls and other things. Wish me luck, everybody! The race is in a month.

My spring break started approximately 1 hour ago. I will #1 be seeing Oz tonight. I'm pretty sure it's in English with Spanish subtitles and it shouldn't be more than $10. On Sunday I am getting to the airport at 6am because my flight to Peru leaves at 9am. I AM SO EXCITED FOR MACHU PICCHU I COULD JUST DIE. Wrong choice words, sorry. I will be safe, PROMISE! I'll be in Cuzco for two nights and then we're going up the mountain for four days. It's not all hiking; We have a good mix of activities to separate our journey. I will spend one night in Lima as we wait for our flight and then I'll be back in Quito on Easter.

I'm going to accompany my host mom to her church on Easter. I hope I understand a little bit of what the priest says! I have also been eating my Easter candy from everyone. Thanks for sending it :) Side note- the candy might be what's making me sick... I've been eating tons and my stomach probably isn't used to it anymore. Oh well, it was yummy.

It'll be over a week before I post again so Happy pre-palm Sunday, Sad pre-good Friday [you can't really say happy to that] and Happy pre-Easter!!!

View of the south side (it actually is the bad side of the city)

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